the Avengers and the X-Men squared off on the beach of Utopia, the
mutant homeland. The X-Men won the day, but Hope Summers ran away from
both teams rather than have either one choose her destiny. Both teams
were able to track her signal to five different locations, so this time
the tournament has the Avengers and X-Men split themselves into five
small teams each, fighting in each location as they search for Hope.
teams have to be built for slightly shorter battles. There are some
limitations; Beast and Wolverine aren’t allowed on the X-Men’s side as
they are filthy splitters. Hope isn’t allowed on either side as she’s on
the run. The five teams have to share a team keyword, such as X-Factor
or New Mutants. Each team was to belong to a different group and each
character couldn’t be duplicated as everyone’s around the world
searching at the same time.
X-Men team would be the easiest to make as most mutants have been an
X-Man at some point. Then there’s the recently-released Wolverine &
The X-Men set which brought a lot of X-Force and New Mutants characters.
A few people share the X-Factor keyword, so the remaining team was a
difficult choice. Sadly there aren’t many Generation X characters, so I
picked Excalibur, as I could just about make the team.
My teams were as follows:
Longshot to provide probability control and thrown knives. Shadowcat to
ferry people around and support them. Warlock to turn into a dune
buggy, ram people and be an all-round weird Swiss Army Knife of a
Mutants: Magik from the Phoenix Five who appear later in the series, as
a flying death beast. Magma who is like a borderline-psychotic lava Firestar.
Shatterstar who is basically a man with crazy massive swords and that’s a
good substitute for character.
This was possibly the hardest team to build. 300 points was a ton back
in the day, but two massive overhauls later and 300 points is barely
anything. I had Layla Miller to resurrect people and use the
near-essential Outwit & Probability Control powers. I wanted to use
Polaris as her Telekinesis power allowed fast placement of people around
the map. Originally I wanted to use Strong Guy as a tank to move into
place, but that was heavily veto’d by the X-Men’s captain so I picked
three Multiple Men as their replacement. One is the original, the others
his ‘dupes’.
I wanted to use my limited edition Cable from the last game as he hunts
Avengers and damn it, he was my prize. He could phase through things
and do two attacks in one go. Spiral is a whirling dervish of blades who
can teleport. Then I needed enough points to fill the rest and I
decided Wolfsbane would make for something sharp to throw at the enemy,
especially if I could make her carry a Phoenix Shard.
Cyclops was a must, as the Avengers Vs X-Men version is one of the best
I’ve seen. Emma Frost is a great support piece, and with 75 points left
after that, I took Professor X. This makes a team filled with Mind
Control, Probability Control, Leadership and not a great deal of
Next, on to the tournament!
people arrived for this session, still in the hall in Littlehampton;
six Avengers, nine X-Men. This made things a bit difficult. One person
would sit out for a round (initially a late player) and then two X-Men
would fight in a training exercise which wouldn’t count as part of the
points for the round.
was thinking about using my weaker team, X-Factor with all the Multiple
Men. At the last minute I panicked and switched to X-Force. Cable,
Spiral & Wolfsbane.
enemy was my flatmate Lee, making his Heroclix tournament debut after a
while of playing the game in the flat with a few friends. He brought
along the Avengers Movie version of Thor, and the horse-faced Thor
wannabe, Beta-Ray Bill.
It was odd facing off against my flatmate, but frankly we’re about
evenly as non-tactical as each other and as this was his first fight it
was probably a good warm-up.
should have easily knocked Wolfsbane into a paste, he was even immune
to the poison the Phoenix Shard gave her. When her health was on the
rocks she was able to regenerate, using up her action but keeping Chris
Hemsworth in place long enough for Spiral and Cable to surround her. The
ensuing cutting and shooting left only a fine paste and a hammer. A
total victory for me, and a great start. Lee had some terrible luck with
his dice rolls, and spent too much time with Thor locked against my
weakest character.
this battle we had two maps which could have represented Dr Doom’s
hometown. My fight would be on an outside map with a hut in the middle
and some elevated terrain making it difficult for non-fliers. I decided
for the mobility of the Excalibur team.
enemy was Elliott, bringing his ‘comedy team’ of Great Lakes Avengers.
These guys are losers in the Marvel Universe, with only Squirrel Girl as
their breakout hit. The team he had built were: Big Bertha, Flatman, Mr
Immortal and… Deadpool?
went wrong pretty early. I sent Warlock ahead to grab a Phoenix Shard
on top of a building and he failed. Kitty Pryde carried Longshot into an
alleyway and then hid in a bin. The GLA were tentative at first, and I
drew my forces together in the alleyway. Mr Immortal tied up Warlock,
making his ability to turn into a dune buggy and ram people fairly
useless. He did have the ability to pick whatever attack power he
wanted, however, so some poison helped put Mr Immortal down… kind of.
When Mr Immortal dies, he starts to regenerate off the table, eventually
coming back to life in the same place. That’s really irritating.
Flatman outwitted Longshot’s luck powers while Big Bertha slammed into
him. Shadowcat pinned Deadpool and attacked him a couple of times. This
Deadpool had a trait which made him roll a d6 when he was attacked and
on a six he actually healed damage instead of taking it. He made the six
on both attacks and took nothing. Deadpool killed her pretty quickly
after that.
Never go down a dark alleyway in Dr Doom's home town. |
managed to kill Flatman and when Mr Immortal came back to life he ran
away so that I couldn’t score the easy points he would give me. Big
Bertha jumped down from the nearby building and pummeled Warlock into
the ground. An almost-complete loss.
indoor map this time, Wundagore looking suspiciously like Asgard. I was
assured they just bought their decor in the same place. I decided that
my fairly slow-moving X-Factor team might work here.
enemy was Elliott again, thanks to random draws. If last time was a
comedy team, this one was deadly serious. Asgardians, again. Kid Loki,
Thor and a character we X-Men had received warnings about via email…
emails I didn’t bother to read… The Absorbing Man. Oh, I should have
read those warnings.
Miller took the Phoenix Cyclops Shard and hid behind a wall. The
original Multiple Man failed to collect the Phoenix Namor Shard and was
pretty much exposed. Absorbing Man grabbed a heavy object and well,
absorbed it, adding to his attack and damage stats. The little Multiple
Men ran into action and Polaris threw the original at Absorbing Man, as I
had no idea quite how bad he was and wanted to see his power in action.
Absorbing Man hit Multiple Man so hard he flew backwards and spawned
five more duplicates instantly. His power in the comics is that kinetic
energy makes him duplicate, so the game does the same kind of thing.
Elliott and I sourced some more Multiple Man figures from the rest of
the tournament-goers. My friends Alex and Jacob provided three before
the game. Fellow X-Man Ed lent me three more.
All of the Madri! |
all that, the original Multiple Man was near death and absorbed his
duplicates back into his body to heal himself back up, swapping place
with another Multiple Man further away. Polaris was the surprise
big-damage-dealer out of the group, attacking Thor and damaging herself.
Take two and she teamed up with a Multiple Man duplicate to knock the
God of Thunder down. Absorbing Man took a ride on Kid Loki’s weird
monster thing and finished off Polaris alarmingly quickly, followed by
Layla. With two remaining Multiple Men facing off against Kid Loki and
the Absorbing Man, I had very little left to do. Absorbing Man was
really easy to hit, but each time you hit, his player would roll a dice
and ONLY if the result matched the damage dealt would it go through.
This meant a one in six chance of Absorbing Man taking damage each time
he was hit. Elliott tried goading me into popping another five Multiple
Men to try and flurry Absorbing Man to death, but each one he would kill
would be 25 more points for the enemy. Instead I had the remaining
duplicate run all the way around to the original and get absorbed to
deny him the maximum points he could have scored. Then with his last
breath, the one true Multiple Man knocked out Kid Loki. My best victory;
beating up a child.
two teams left I decided to break out the New Mutants. The map was
actually Krakoa… The Island That Walks Like a Man! We were using it as
the Savage Land though. Lots of hedges and a hill which I labelled Jerk
Mountain, immediately claimed by the Avengers just to prove that they
were the kings of Jerk Mountain.
enemy was Ash, who has only ever played in the last tournament and this
one. I had a great game against him last time which was a proper brawl.
He was borrowing a team for this round. An Asgardian team. After five
minutes of ranting bitterly about Absorbing Man in the kitchen area and
getting another coffee, I saw the team I was going to face… Absorbing
Man, Kid Loki, Thor. It was Elliott’s team. God damn.
Jerks. |
we laid objects down I put both of my Phoenix Shards near Jerk Mountain
and sent Shatterstar after one. I left Magik and Magma behind in the
hope of using Magik’s Running Shot power to run and gun against someone.
The other Avengers stormed Jerk Mountain, sensing it as their natural
home, and I sent Magik away from the mountain but near enough to shoot
Thor as she went. The blast was good, but I rashly moved Magma away from
her before realising that her powers lessen penetrating damage done to
her and allies. Thor retorted with penetrating damage all on Magik
because even Ash noticed that power. Absorbing Man started next to a
heavy object again. He absorbed it… again. He took a ride on Kid Loki’s
monster steed… again. Shatterstar missed his Phoenix Shard pickup and
spent the rest of the game slashing wildly at Absorbing Man, rarely
missing but the dice roll to see if damage went through never worked.
Magma was carted into the fracas by Magik, surviving just long enough to
poison Kid Loki and fail to poison Absorbing Man as that was a dealing
of damage which was diced against and missed. Gah! Absorbing Man easily
KO’d Magma in one hit and in a panic I knocked Thor out with Magik.
Shatterstar’s constant attempts at damaging Absorbing Man had caused
maybe about eight or ten successful hits to miss, and he was weakened
enough from all the effort that he was downed in a single hit. Magik
tried to fly away from Absorbing Man but after one actual successful
hit, managed to knock him back into a wall (which didn’t damage him) and
he punched her one last time, taking a damage which he couldn’t avoid
and KO’ing my last figure. With one health left, the relentless ‘no’
machine of the Absorbing Man had been the one cause of my demise again. I
was fuming. I ranted in the kitchen about biting off the head of the
miniature if I fought it again. It’s great that this was Ash’s first
victory in a tournament, but I still hate that stupid Absorbing Man and
his stupid face.
X-Men had been victorious, despite my hideous track record of one
victory to three losses. I had my X-Men team left and being in the lower
tier of combatants, I wasn’t in space but instead the wreckage of a
crashed spaceship.
enemy was Lee again, who hadn’t won any more battles since we last
fought. He’d lost in the second battle by being the only person to lose a
piece in what sounded like a quite drawn out fight. This time, to match
my vanilla X-Men team he was using a vanilla Avengers team; Luke Cage,
Scarlet Witch and Wolverine. To allow a second Avengers team, he’d
fitted them with an Alternate Team Ability, a card which costs points
for each character which gives them a new power. They couldn’t be
targeted with Outwit, which cancels out powers, unless you’d targeted
them with an attack first. All of my characters had Outwit at some point
in their dial… this was going to be rough.
started by having Cyclops and Emma Frost running to cover so that they
could pick up Phoenix Shards. They both failed, but I knew with Cyclops
here he could shoot through the wall at the enemy if he had to.
Professor X kept close so that he could grant the attack-avoiding Shape
Change power to the others. The Avengers came close, but not enough. I
had Emma and Cyclops move up, shooting and missing Scarlet Witch.
Professor X grabbed a Cyclops Phoenix Shard so he could fly and be
better at ranged combat. Oh yes, just like in the two-issue
X-Men/Starjammers comic… BALD PHOENIX!
was okay, but he only managed to damage Luke Cage once, which was
boosted by having Emma Frost and her Enhancement power to hand. Emma was
great though, mind controlling Wolverine into gutting Scarlet Witch.
See, it was okay, he was just working with his old team again. Stupid
fracas got closer, with Professor X stupidly exposed as I’d used him to
tie down Scarlet Witch before she died. Wolverine tried to hack him
apart and missed. Professor X didn’t take this lying down, mind
controlling Wolverine into slashing Luke Cage’s impenetrable skin.
Unfortunately the feral killing machine broke from the mental control,
killed Cyclops, then Emma Frost. Professor X tried to boost his own
damage and fight Wolverine but that was never going to be a good idea.
He had enough defence powers which allowed rerolls and rolls to miss,
but it wasn’t going to help in the long run.
was called, leaving Wolverine and Professor X on the table, I’d lost
thanks to the amount of points killed on my side. Long story short for
this one; Wolverine killed EVERYTHING.
The X-Men won the day. That’s the good news. It was pretty decisive, which is good because I was nothing but a hindrance.
of fifteen people, I came twelfth. That was about right. The first game
went amazingly for me and the last was so close if not for
Wolverine winning it back so heavily.
show you the prizes, but sadly they were delayed, so we don’t have them
this month and they will be given out to us in time for the next match.
For entering the contest, the Avengers were all given a Black Panther
miniature and the X-Men were given a Danger (the sentient Danger Room
who is just a little bit evil). As the winners, the highest-scoring
X-Men were given a choice between Black Panther and Lei-Kung The
Thunderer. Personally, as the lowest-scoring X-Man, I will be happy with
my Black Panther as I can make an Illuminati team with him.
Everyone will also get a Colossus Phoenix Shard which will be useful really soon…
next match will be a battle on the moon in about a month. Six hundred
points in one team who have to be used for each battle. This means the
team selection will be very important, and we’ll start using the Phoenix
Shards we’ve been winning since the first tournament. The X-Men are
half-way there, but a couple of victories for the Avengers could change
it all.
![]() |
Moon War! |
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